
United Defense Manufacturing Corp. wishes to announce that, while we fully support the Community Quarantine and the checkpoints, the “Work from Home” scheme that is being actively discussed and encouraged on social media and broadcast media will not be implemented by our company for the simple reason that there is no way can our workers bring home the huge CNC machines to produce firearms parts. There is also no way that our workers will be allowed to assemble the UDMC rifles in their homes. Even the support services staff cannot simply work from home since Production will need supplies, money, food, etc. to remain in operational mode. We also cannot tell our customers (government and civilians) to wait until the crisis is contained before we can deliver our contractual obligations to them.

Therefore, what we have decided to implement is to reduce the number of working days starting this coming week. It means that we will continue to operate INSIDE THE MANUFACTURING FACILITY AND OFFICE but with strict health and safety measures, from MONDAYS until THURSDAYS. This reduction in working days will reduce the exposure of our staff to the virus by at least 20%.

If you must come to our office regardless if you are a civilian customer or from a government agency, you will need to be wearing a medical mask and be subjected to an infrared laser thermometer to check your body temperature. You will also be required to spray your hands with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide and/or 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. These are just a few of the measures that we will undertake starting tomorrow, Monday. MAKE SURE YOU CALL US FIRST BEFORE COMING!

The “Work from Home” scheme must always be qualified and clarified since majority of the workers are coming from the manufacturing sector. LET US ALL BE REAL BY USING OUR COMMON SENSE!